</title><meta name="robots" content="noindex"> How to Enjoy Japanese Strawberries

</title><meta name="robots" content="noindex"> How to Enjoy Japanese Strawberries

We’re berry excited...because strawberry (ichigo / いちご) season has started!

In Japan, ichigo is one of the most popular fruits and people love to go strawberry picking (ichigo-gari) to pick their own.

To celebrate this delicious season, enjoy a variety of strawberry-flavored Japanese candy, gummies, chocolates, biscuits and more in this month's Strawberry Lover Sweets Pack.


ZenPop's Japanese Sweets Subscription Box: Strawberry LoverZenPop's Strawberry Lover Japanese Sweets Box


Our Top 3 Japanese Strawberry Varieties

If you’ve ever tried a Japanese strawberry, you’ll know they are the sweetest berry in the world!

But with over 300 kinds of strawberries available, which one is your favorite?

These are our top three Japanese strawberry varieties!

1. Tochiotome (とちおとめ)

Tochiotome was developed in Tochigi prefecture in 1996 and is very popular variety of strawberry in eastern Japan. The name Tochiotome comes from tochigi and otome, which means 'girls'.

One of the features of this strawberry is the beautiful red color and great smell. Therefore, it's often used in cakes and other sweets.

Tochiotome are easily available at the supermarket, so please try it when you have chance!


Japanese Strawberry Varieties - Tochiotome


2. Amaou (あまおう)

The Amaou strawberry was developed at Fukuoka prefecture in 2005.

The name (A-Ma-O-U) comes from the first letters of amai (sweet), marui (round), ookii (big) and umai (delicious). So the strawberries are sweet, round, big and delicious!

This is Japan's most "highly regarded" strawberry - Hakata Amaou from Fukuoka Prefecture - certified by the Guinness Book of Records as the world's heaviest strawberry! Individual strawberries can weigh up to 40~50g each!

Our recommendation is that you eat this strawberry as it is.


Japanese Strawberry Varieties - Amaou


3. Beni-Hoppe (紅ほっぺ)

The Beni-Hoppe strawberry variety was developed in Shizuoka, in 2002.

Beni means red and hoppe means cheek. It's called 'Red Cheek' because in Japan there is there is a proverb - My cheek will drop - that we use to describe something that is very delicious. B

eni-Hoppe strawberries taste both sweet and a little sour, so if you enjoy this combination then you'll love this strawberry.


Japanese Strawberry Varieties - Beni-Hoppe


Our Favorite Ways to Enjoy Strawberries

There are lots of ways to enjoy all the different varieties of strawberries. How do you enjoy strawberries?

1. On their own

Japanese strawberries are so sweet that many people like to just eat them on their own, as the perfect dessert or snack. Some people add condensed milk for even more sweetness!


Strawberries covered in a drizzle of condensed milk


2. Ichigo Daifuku

Ichigo Daifuku (いちご大福) is a very popular and traditional sweet in Japan. What's not to love about a soft rice cake (mochi), filled with sweet red bean paste and a delicious Japanese strawberry?!


Ichigo mochi or Ichigo daifuku - a traditional Japanese sweet


3. Japanese-Style Strawberry Shortcake

A light and airy sponge cake, covered with whipped cream and bright red strawberries on top — this is the Japanese-style strawberry shortcake, a favorite treat in Japan.

The fluffy whipped cream, so rich and sweet, melts in the mouth. The strawberries, a Japanese variety with just the right firmness and tartness, are a treat in themselves.

And the velvety soft sponge cake brings everything together!

Do you know the holiday when many Japanese like to enjoy Strawberry Shortcake? It's Christmas!


Japanese-Style Strawberry Shortcake


4. Japanese Candy

Strawberry is a very popular candy flavor, much-loved all across Japan.

From strawberry-flavored Pocky, to KitKats, to Takenoko no Sato, we're spoilt for choice in Japan!

We couldn't resist filling our Sweets Pack with the sweet taste of strawberry (ichigo)!


ZenPop's Japanese Sweets Subscription Box


You'll get 15 sweets and snacks to enjoy, including these delicious strawberry-flavored treats:

  • Limited-time Milky Amaou Candy
  • LOOK Strawberry 4 Chocolate (four soft and creamy fillings!)
  • Giant Caplico Strawberry 'Ice cream Cone'
  • Strawberry Hi-Chew
  • And lots more!

Our Strawberry Lover Sweets Pack is available until the 29th February or while stocks last. 


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ZenPop's Japanese Sweets Subscription Box


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