
You are viewing posts tagged with: Japanese Snacks

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What are the 10 most original Japanese Cookies? (2023 edition)
Dec 09, 2022 Tags 
You love cookies? You love Japan? Here are your top 10 most original Japanese cookies.
What are the best Japanese Milk Candies?
Dec 07, 2022 Tags 
Interested in Japanese Milk Candies? Here's why they are some of the best in the world, and the top 8 you should try!
What is Chitose Ame?
Chitose Ame is one of Japan's most popular festival candy, and is strongly linked to the Shichigosan Festival. But what exactly is it?
What is Konpeito: Japan’s best sugar candy?
Nov 28, 2022 Tags 
This is Japan's most popular candy: available everywhere and a favorite among many Japanese. Here's all you need to know about Konpeito.
What are the best Japanese Snacks for parties?
Nov 25, 2022 Tags 
Having friends over and looking to throw a Japanese party? Here are the best otsumami you can prepare for your guests!
The Best Japanese Sweets and Treats for Parties
Nov 16, 2022 Tags 
Planning a Japanese party and need some snacks? Here's a list of the best Japanese sweets and treats for your party!
What is Dorayaki?
Dorayaki is an emblematic treat from Japan, adored by Doraemon and many more. Dorayaki is a traditional wagashi often will with azuki bean paste! But did you know that it brings good luck?
What are Japanese Amaou Strawberries?
Amaou strawberries are some of the rarest strawberries in the world. They are grown in Fukuoka prefecture and are extremely expensive. Here's why!
What is Japanese Fruit Jelly?
Japanese Fruit Jelly is commonly available at all convenience stores throughout the country. It's often made from Kanten or Konjac, but do you know what those are?
What should you snack on while watching anime?
Onigiris, ramen, Kit Kats, senbeis: we present you the best snacks to enjoy while watching your favorite anime!
What is Tohato?
Aug 12, 2022 Tags 
Tohato is a Japanese confectionery that dates back to 1949 and is the origin of many popular snacks in Japan and around the world! We tell you more in the article.