Happy Gummy Day! - 5 Gummies You Should Try

Happy Gummy Day! - 5 Gummies You Should Try

Aug 25, 2017 Tags 

Did you know that September 3rd is the Gummy Day in Japan? It is just a pun of “gumi (gummy)” and “ku-mi (9 and 3 can be read “ku” and ”mi” in Japanese)”. The day was founded by a Japanese confectionery company, UHA Mikakuto, as a way to spread the greatness and deliciousness of gummies, and currently it is celebrated by several candy companies and lots of gummy lovers in Japan.

Gummies are light and delicious. They can be in any shapes and flavors. Gummies are source of fun and energy! So if you love gummies, doesn’t matter where you live! Let’s celebrate Japanese Gummy Day. Are you ready to know five of the best gummies in Japan? Okay, let’s dive in!


Meiji - Fruit Juice Gummies (果汁グミ)
Chewiness: ★★☆
Appearance: ★★☆
Deliciousness: ★★★
Simple but delicious! They have a natural taste of fruits and even look like the fruits used to flavor them. Made with 100% fruit juice, no artificial colorings are used. There are three regular flavors; strawberry, grape, and mikan.

Mikan Fruit Juice Gummies. Mikan-shaped, look pretty!


Kanro - Pure Gummies (ピュレグミ)
Chewiness: ★★☆
Appearance: ★★★
Deliciousness: ★★★
Pure gummies are one of the most popular gummy brands in Japan, and if you love to have kawaii candies, these are perfect! Each piece is heart-shaped, and the packaging is lovely too. Coated with coarse, sour powder. The texture is a little bit unique: it’s sticky and springy.

Lemon Pure Gummies. You are lucky if you find a sta-shaped one.


UHA Mikakuto - Cororo (コロロ)
Chewiness: ★☆☆
Appearance: ★★★
Cororo gummies feel like real succulent grapes in your mouth, and, of course, they look like grapes. Not only grape flavored one, but other ones including mango, orange, peach, and muscat look like peeled grapes though they are colored differently.

Muscat Cororo. They look like nothing but grapes.


UHA Mikakuto - Ninja’s Treats (忍者めし)
Chewiness: ★★★
Appearance: ★☆☆
Here are the treats for Ninja! You are a ninja too if you use the magical power of gummies: they are hard and make you chew a lot, which makes you full instantly! Gummies are commonly chewy, but these ones are outstanding in terms of chewiness. Do you want to try Ninja diet with these gummies?

Grape Ninja’s Treats. Fun packaging!


Lotte - Koume Gummies (小梅グミ)
Chewiness: ★☆☆
Appearance: ★★★
Did you know that ume is a popular flavor too in Japanese gummy community? Koume are sweet and sour ume-flavored gummies! Shaped like ume flowers, look so lovely. They are soft and plump compared to other kinds of gummies. I’m sure you will want to share the cuteness of them with somebody.

Koume is the name of the girl on the packaging.


How was it? Which gummy do you want to get in future ZenPop boxes? Let us know on Instagram, Facebook or anywhere else :)

Mina @ ZenPop

Check out our current Sweets Pack that contain orange-flavored Ninja’s Treats!