What are the best drinks in Japan? (2023 edition)

What are the best drinks in Japan? (2023 edition)

Feb 27, 2023 Tags 

From traditional tea to modern drinks, Japan is a country where you will find several innovations to fill your belly, literally. There are so many popular Japanese drinks that are a must-taste, especially if you are new to the yummy edibles the country has to offer. This article will give you an inside scoop on what to drink in Japan so that when you visit, you’ll have a list to follow. You can also save travel time and money by ordering our ZenPop snack box where you’ll get drinks from Japan.

Without further ado, here’s the top eighteen drinks in Japan that you should taste. Especially if you’re a little obsessed with Japan. 

Top 18 Most Popular Drinks In Japan:



Green Tea


Japanese Green Tea


Green tea is infused into the Japanese culinary culture. It is also the most popular and sought-after drink in Japan for ages. Green tea is infused into the Japanese culinary culture. It is also the most popular and sought-after drink in Japan for ages. There are many types of Green tea including matcha, gyokuro and hojicha but they all have wonderful health benefits.  



Japanese Sake


Japanese Sake


Let’s be real, sake probably shares a spot with green tea as the most popular drink in Japan. One thing to note is that drinking alcohol is widely accepted in Japan. That is why the “japanese rice wine” or sake which is one of the oldest alcoholic drinks in Japan can be enjoyed with friends and family in many bars and restaurants. 



Japanese Fanta


Fanta White Peach


Think of how many Fanta flavors you know. Not much right? Well in Japan, there are tons of unique Fanta flavors that you cannot find anywhere else in the world. The regular orange flavored Fanta in Japan is even fresher and made with real oranges. It feels unfair but that’s just one of the perks of a country that loves innovating new food. 



Royal Milk Tea


Royal Milk Tea


This yummy milk tea is very popular in Japan. The best part is that it is easy to make too, and not to mention incredibly delicious. The tea leaves are brewed with water, and a whole lot more milk than usual is used. You can add sugar or honey to the tea to suit you. 





Chu Hi


Also called Shochu- highball, Chuhai is another popular Japanese cocktail made with Shochu and flavored with fruit or herb syrups. Pure Shochu has a high ABV of about 25% but Chu-hai is watered down to 6%-10% which is great for a quick drink that won’t leave you tipsy. It is carbonated and made from barley Shochu. There are tons of flavors that you can choose from and it can be bought easily.








This is a good luck tea taken during new years in Japan. The tradition of drinking this tea for good fortune started as far back as the Heian period and it is still done today. If you are superstitious you can try drinking Ofukucha for good fortune in 2023. 




ZenPop Snack Box






Ever heard of plum wine? Well, that’s basically Japanese Umeshu. It is an alcoholic drink made by soaking unripe plum inside Shochu or Sake and adding sugar to it. After some time, the alcohol carries the taste of the ume plums and it then gets a sour tang to it. I mean, if you like your alcohol tasting a little bit sour, then Umeshu is for you. 

CC Lemon



CC Lemon


As the name implies, CC lemon is a Japanese lemon drink with 35 lemons worth of vitamin C. You probably shouldn’t drink more than 1 daily because it is said to contain the ideal amount of vitamin C a person needs daily. It has a wonderful lemon flavor so if you want to get your vitamins up without taking actual drugs, this is the ideal drink for you. 






Back on our list of alcoholic japanese drinks is Yuzushu. It is made from a Japanese citrus fruit called Yuzu. Much like Umeshu, it is steeped inside Shochu or Sake. Unlike Umeshu, it is slightly bitter and sweet because of the citrus fruitiness. 


Kirin Ichiban


Kirin Ichiban


Kirin Ichiban is a 100% malt beer that is brewed with utmost care. It has a clear gold color, smells like malt and has a light, sweet taste. Apart from Japan, it can also be bought in the US and it has just 5% alcohol volume. Not many beers are malt beers but Kirin Ichiban’s uniqueness is what makes it stand out. 







This is a delicious traditional Japanese drink made from fermented rice. Before you say “ew”, it is actually creamy and has a very sweet taste with a sour aftertaste. It literally means sweet sake and has some health benefits like increase in metabolism, anti-aging effects, and increase in red blood cells.



Bubble Tea


Bubble Tea


Rapidly gaining popularity among Japanese drinks is Bubble Tea, also known as Tapioca Tea, boba tea, and pearl milk tea. Bubble tea is very delicious and tastes milky, with chewy tapioca balls as toppings which makes the best combination ever. 



Pocari Sweat


Pocari Sweat


Before you go all “eww,” this is not a literal sweat; it actually has nothing to do with sweat at all. Instead, Pocari Sweat is a popular Japanese health drink that contains electrolytes and water that help hydrate the body after vigorous exercises. You can drink it if you only feel dehydrated. It contains no caffeine or alcohol and no, it is not an energy drink. Its purpose is to restore ions and hydration in your body after having lost it. 







Also known as calpico, Calpis is a milky, non-carbonated Japanese drink that dates as far back as 1919. Yep! This drink is history in Japan itself. It is made from milk, yeast and lactic acid bacterium. Japan, with its great skills and culinary invention, made this mixture work, and it also comes in different flavors. Since it is a concentrated drink, you drink Calpis by adding water to thin it out to your taste. 



Asahi Mitsuya Cider


Mitsuya Cider


As you may have guessed, this is a carbonated drink that many people have compared to Sprite. It has a refreshing thirst-quenching taste that people love. Also, while the original version is a clear drink, now there are fun flavors like grape, lemon and apple. There is very little caffeine and it also has vitamin c as one of its ingredients. 







This popular Japanese drink was first created as far back as the 1930s. Today, it is sold in over 40 countries even though it is a milk drink filled with bacteria. Well, good bacteria. This drink has been scientifically proven to aid in indigestion as it increases the bacteria in your body which helps to fight against harmful substances. Don’t worry, it still tastes sweet. 







This is a japanese green juice made from kale or barley grass. Let’s just say, if you love the color green then you’ll be obsessed with this juice. The reason people love it so much is because it can be mixed with anything. Since it comes in powdered form, you can mix it with any type of milk, yogurt, soup or even pastries like buns or pancakes to improve your health. 



Japanese In-Jelly Drink


Japanese In Jelly Drink


Jellies are fun when they jiggy but would you drink it? Jelly drinks have been in Japan for over 20 years and people love them. They are sold in pouches and packed with vitamins and nutrients so that people with busy schedules can drink them as they work. As expected, jelly drinks are very sweet, so they are popular with kids as well.

These are the most popular non-alcoholic drinks the land of the rising sun has to offer your buds. Don’t know where to start? Get your favorites by ordering our ZenPop snack box. Check it out now.