15 Japanese Scrapbooking Ideas

15 Japanese Scrapbooking Ideas

Jan 19, 2024 Tags 

Taking time off to visit the places you love is something everyone should do once in a while. One of the most amazing places to visit in the world is Japan. Although we have our smartphones to take pictures, scrapbooking is also a great way to preserve the amazing memories you make on your journey. Even if you’re a novice, all you need is some basic Japanese scrapbooking ideas to get you ready to create the best scrapbook ever. 

When it comes to creating a Japan Scrapbook to document your journey, you have to be intentional and make sure to get the best pictures when you travel. Yes, living in the moment is also important, but to get a good scrapbook, you need to start taking pictures from the airport boarding to the food you need and natural sceneries, so bring out the photographer in you. If you don’t have a Polaroid camera, use your smartphone and then get the pictures printed after your trip. Also, if you have a lot of activities planned, start making the scrapbook when you return home; trying to make a scrapbook while on your trip to Japan can get overwhelming. 

Now that you know the basics, let’s get right into it. In this article, we've curated 15 creative and diverse Japan scrapbook ideas that will help you design a scrapbook that beautifully captures your unique Japanese experience.

These are some ideas for making the best Japan scrapbook pages. You can choose to make each page a different design or choose a theme for your entire scrapbook.  


Flight to Japan Page


Flight to Japan Page


If you want full documentation of your trip to Japan, start with your flight pictures. This is the perfect way to start your scrapbook, it will help you relive that nostalgic moment of arriving in Japan.


Kanji Calligraphy Page


Kanji Calligraphy Page


Japan is one of the few countries where people practice calligraphy from elementary school. Instead of getting a cool Kanji tattoo like many others, dedicate a page for calligraphy. Attach photos of beautiful scenery in Japan and write a bold kanji script of the town’s name. You can also find some popular Japanese quotes to add to the page. Finish it off with some stickers, and you have a great scrapbook page. 


Photos from Japan Page


Photos from Japan Page


If you have more than one photo to tell the story of a place, you can play around with shapes and sizes to make everything fit on one page. Choose a primary photo and add the rest of the pictures around the main photo on a smaller scale and in different sizes. This would tell the story of the location without looking cramped up.


Temple Trails Page


Temple Trails Page


Did you know that Japan is home to more than 100,000 shrines? When you go on a trip to Japan, there is no way that you would miss out on visiting a temple or two. Dedicate a section to the serene beauty of Japanese temples. Arrange photos of temple visits with some stickers and leave space for notes to record details of your visit. To make things more interesting, use traditional paper fans or torii gate stickers as embellishments.


Envelop Page


Envelop Page


One way to store souvenirs safely inside your scrapbook is to create an envelope. You can put anything from sand or seashells from a beach to jewelry inside the envelope. That way, you won’t lose your precious treasures. You can use the other page to write notes on what is stored in the envelope. 


Washi Tape Page


Washi Tape Page


Washi tape is a very useful scrapbooking supply. When you want to make a photo the main focus of the page, you can use washi tape to create a border around it. You can also use it to craft origami embellishments to give your pages a 3D effect. Washi tape comes in many designs, from traditional patterns like waves and cranes to modern and kawaii ones. Its versatility allows you to add Japanese aesthetics to your layouts.


Japanese Food Page


Japanese Food Page


Let’s be honest: while many people visit countries for the change of scenery, others do it for the food, and we can relate to that. You'll find some of the best Japanese snacks and weirdest ramen flavors in Japan. Devote a section of your scrapbook to the amazing food Japan has to offer. Capture the vibrant colors and textures of different types of meals in your photographs. Enhance the theme by adding food-themed stickers, washi tape borders, and hand-drawn chopsticks.


Japanese Scenery Spread


Japanese Scenery Spread


Create a collage-style layout that celebrates various aspects of Japanese culture. Make the background image an iconic Japanese landscape like Mount Fuji, then mix and match pictures of tea ceremonies, traditional dances, and colorful festivals. You can also use stickers or washi tape to create depth and a rich representation of Japan's diverse culture.


Little Scrap Book Page


Little Scrap Book Page


Even though it matters in many aspects of life, when scrapbooking, size does not matter. You can make a mini cute scrapbook inside your bigger one to store excess photos. That way, you can save space and really let the main photo take center stage while the smaller ones will make up your mini scrapbook.


Tickets Spread


Tickets Spread


Tickets are more than just pieces of paper; they're memories that transport you back to specific moments in your journey. Instead of throwing out all the tickets you used on your trip to Japan, create a ticket spread in your Japan scrapbook to weave together the various experiences and adventures you embarked on. One way to do this is to arrange them in a collage format, layering them in a visually pleasing arrangement. If you have too many tickets, you can use the envelope method to store some of them. 


Travel Map Spread


Travel Map Spread


A travel map is a visually appealing way to show where you visited in Japan. Design a two-page spread of a map of Japan, showing the cities and regions you visited. Pinpoint the locations with small stickers or draw adorable landmarks such as torii gates. Connect each destination with colorful trails to visually represent your journey across the country.


Cherry Blossom Scrapbook Page


Cherry Blossom Scrapbook Page


Depending on the season you visit Japan, you may get to see cherry blossoms bloom and even attend Hanami festivals. Create a dedicated section showcasing photographs taken during the Sakura season and make it a very pink and floral page. Use delicate floral washi tape with cherry blossom as borders, or frame your pictures with hand-drawn petals t bring the season to life.


Japanese Street Fashion Collage


Street Fashion Collage


Explore Japanese street fashion with a fashion spread. In some big cities in Japan, the fashion is considered avant-garde and extreme. You can find gyaru, loli, kimono-style, and fairy fashion styles. Be polite and ask if you can take pictures of people wearing outfits you love, then create a collage-style page representing the vibrant and trendy styles.


Anime Adventure


Anime Adventure


If you love Anime, then Japan would seem like paradise to you because of the many anime references. Restaurants would have anime-themed menus, and you’d see pictures of your favorite characters on buses or buildings. Try to take pictures of anime references and create a page for them. You can even add photos of cosplayers and locations you recognize from your favorite anime shows. 


Architectural Drawing Spread


Architectural Drawing Spread


If you love architecture, you should definitely create a spread for the amazing buildings. Japan is a treasure trove of architectural wonders, blending ancient traditional buildings with modern ones. Designing an architecture spread in your Japan scrapbook allows you to showcase the richness of buildings, temples, and structures that define the country's landscape.

With these 15 Japan scrapbook ideas, you can embark on a creative journey that beautifully encapsulates the beauty of Japan. Happy crafting!

Have you been looking to buy some high-quality Japanese stationery? You can check out our ZenPop stationery store for the best deals from Japan. 

This article was originally written by our freelance writer Umm-Kulthum Abdulkareem and edited by us.