TAO Artist Collab: Interview + Special Giveaway

TAO Artist Collab: Interview + Special Giveaway

Aug 04, 2021 Tags 

As we are launching our new collaboration pack this month, we'd love to introduce you to TAO. She was kind enough to answer a few of our questions and we've got them translated for you! Don't forget to get your pack while it's still possible

Without further a due, here's our interview:

Please tell us more about yourself, where you live and what you do ? あなた自身のこと、どこに住んでいて、何をしているのかを教えてください。



I live in Hokkaido, Japan, and I am a freelance illustrator.


How did you get interested in creating art? アート制作に興味を持ったきっかけは何ですか?



My sister, who is four years older than me, loves to draw, and we started drawing together when we were very young.


How do you define the genre of your art illustrations? What is the idea behind the cat illustration present in most of your artwork? あなたのアートやイラストのジャンルは何ですか?作品に多く見られる猫のイラストは、どのような意図で描かれているのですか?


*アニメ塗り グラデーションが少なく、線画をはっきり描く事。 実際のアニメでは人物のみに使用されることが多い技法です。


I do digital illustrations. The genre is often called anime style.
I often draw background illustrations, but my style of anime-painting* the background is a little unusual.
*Anime style illustrations consists of drawing clear lines with few gradations. In actual animation, this technique is often used only for people (characters).

The reason why I started drawing cats is that at one time it was popular to draw dogs and cats in background illustrations, and I was influenced by that.
Now I like them because they look good anywhere, indoors or out, and they add cuteness and fun to the illustration.
The reason for cats is that I have had them at home since I was a child.

What are your sources of inspiration for your unique style? あなたのユニークなスタイルのインスピレーションの源は何ですか?



Since I like the atmosphere of Japan around the 1930s to 1980s (Showa era), I collect photos of townscapes with buildings from that era on the Internet.
Most of the time, I mix the atmosphere of my favorite places to create a single illustration.
I often use furniture and other small items from that era as models.

Tell us the steps you take to create a new piece of art? 新しい作品を作るときの手順を教えてください。



First, I write down the image that I want to draw on a piece of paper in words. For example: cityscape, calm atmosphere, evening, cute, etc.
Next, I look for photos that match the image. I find some photos of the place I want to draw and some photos of the lighting to use as reference.
Then I draw a rough colored preview, mixing the moods of the photos.
Once the rough drawing is complete, I gather many detailed photos of the small objects and buildings I want to include, and use them as reference for my line drawing.
After applying the colors I want, I add shadows and light by referring to the photos again. The final step is to make adjustments.
The key to my illustrations is to collect many photos of the materials.

What tools do you use to create your work? 作品の制作にはどのような道具を使っていますか?


デスクトップパソコンで31.5インチのモニターとWacom Intuos Pro Mediumというペンタブレットを使用して制作しています。

I use a desktop computer with a 31.5" monitor and a Wacom Intuos Pro Medium pen tablet to create my work.
The software I use is Clip Studio Paint.
Everything is done digitally, from the rough sketch to the finished product.

Please explain your concept of your artwork for ZenPop? ZenPopのためのあなたのアートワークのコンセプトを教えてください。



It's a little alley lined with small stores called ZenPop Alley.
In fact, most of the stores in this alley are pubs, but I decided to make it a cute little alley with stationery shops.
I hope you can imagine what it looks like inside the stores lined with neon signs.


ZenPop x TAO Pack


What is your favorite Japanese stationery item? あなたの好きな日本の文房具は何ですか?


ボールペンだと文字を描くときはZEBRAのSARASA、イラストを描くときは三菱鉛筆のuni-ball Signoが鉄板です。

For ballpoint pens, I use ZEBRA SARASA for drawing letters, and Mitsubishi Pencil uni-ball Signo for illustrations.
When it comes to package design, Sakura Craypas' Coupy pencils are my favorite.

What is your advice for people interested in to become artists? アーティストになることに興味がある人へのアドバイスをお願いします。



I believe that the most important thing is to express what you like in the way you like.
So just try to see and listen to a lot of different things. Don't think about difficult things, just feel what you like and dislike. The more experience you have, the better your work will be.
Don't forget that it is also important to take a break and enjoy your creation for a longer period of time if it becomes too difficult to continue. Enjoy creating!


Tell us about some projects you want to work in the coming months? 今後、取り組んでみたいプロジェクトを教えてください。



I have always loved games, so my dream is to be involved in a game production project.
I would like to be directly involved in the game, not by creating illustrations for promotion, but by having my illustrations appear in the game or being in charge of map design.


Can't get enough of our collaboration pack with TAO? 💫
Here's your chance to win an exclusive autographed illustration book from TAO 😍

All #zenpopstationery subscribers are eligible to enter our special giveaway! 10 to be won!


ZenPop x TAO Giveaway